
some career talk lesson by Russ

今天听了Russ讲他的Career think,

印象很深的是第一个讲的Sharry a Planner. I am a really bad planner, seldom follow my plan or no plan.

但是一个比较重要的是Do less sometimes do better than more.

I always work across several projects and several products.

It is so suck for the plan and prioritize. I am going to improve.?

What my question now? what Google for me? What my goal?

1. Help China enterprise go world. that is my dream. I was consider about I was born for the international communication. I love cross culture, of course I love chinese culture. I want to have all the good stuffs in human being can be shared among and help the people to benefit.
no matter who they are and where they are. as a chinese person, one of my responsibity is to grow china, develop what our ancenster leave us and also what good in other culture.
one world one dream. I love this slogan, I don't want to be different in different culture. we can keep the difference and make the good develop.

2. What I do now?
I am starting from internet. and internet there is no constraint in country.
so sharing is the best spirit to stand for internet.
Google has so many great product, and it is my responsibility to have it leverage among the world.

3. standing on publisher.
I want to think carefully.
